A mid-30s white person in a blue shirt with glasses and brown curly hair piled on top of their head.

Susan Graham (they/them) joined Einstein Literary Management as an assistant in 2015 and now has a growing list of author and illustrator clients. They hold a Master’s Degree in Children’s Literature and a Master’s Degree in English from Simmons College. They currently live in Brooklyn with their two cats, appropriately named Chicken and The Crocodile.

What I'm Looking For

I'm currently looking for upmarket character driven fiction; spine tingling thriller, adventure, and horror; stories from historically marginalized perspectives and voices; apocalypse and adventure narratives featuring protagonist(s) with disabilities; found families; and explorations of monstrosity. I started in children's lit and am slowly and selectively moving into the adult space. I love stories that prioritize teamwork and community. While the majority of my clients' works currently published are graphic novels, I'm prioritizing prose right now.

Sample Titles or Authors


THE WITCHERY by S Isabelle (former client)

THE LAST EXORCIST by Danny Lore (short story from Fiyah Lit Mag's Issue #3)

Specializes In

FICTION: Children's, Commercial Fiction, Fantasy, GLBT, Graphic Novels, Horror, Middle Grade, Picture Books, Science Fiction, Thrillers/Suspense, Young Adult

        NONFICTION: Juvenile


FICTION: Children's, Commercial Fiction, Crime, Fantasy, GLBT, Family Saga, Graphic Novels, Horror, Historical Fiction, Humor/Satire, Middle Grade, Multi-Cultural, Mystery, Picture Books, Science Fiction, Thrillers/Suspense, Short Story Collections, Upmarket Women's Fiction, Young Adult

NONFICTION: Adventure/True Story, Cultural/Social Issues, GLBT, History, Humor, Juvenile, Multi-Cultural, Music, Narrative, Nature/Ecology, Pop Culture, Psychology, Science, True Crime, Women's Concerns