Before joining the Andrea Brown Literary Agency family, Jemiscoe worked for over a decade in film and television as an Assistant Director. She has a BA and MFA in creative writing in fiction, working with mentors Wiley Cash, Jo Knowles, Marcus Burke, and Richard Adams Carey. She has also been a freelance editor and writing tutor for over five years and contributed to the online literary magazine ​The Assignment. Jemiscoe lives in the Los Angeles area with her husband, three kids, and two cats.

Jemiscoe is currently building her client list in the middle grade, YA, and adult categories. She is also interested in considering illustrators and author-illustrators.


Jemiscoe is currently building her client list in the middle grade, YA, and adult categories. She is also interested in considering illustrators and author-illustrators.

In middle grade, Jemiscoe is most interested in contemporary manuscripts. They can focus on hard themes, but she enjoys those that also weaves in humor, whimsy, adventure, and wonder. She's also open to fantasy, which can include paranormal, low fantasy, and magical realism. Horror, mystery, and graphic novels are also of interest.

In YA, Jemiscoe would love to see romance, especially rom-coms. Give her all the love stories in whatever form they come! She loves contemporary fiction that deals with friendship - its joys and struggles. She would also like to see fantasy (except high fantasy), mystery, and horror.

In the adult space, Jemiscoe is looking for romance. It can range from sweet to steamy, but she is not interested in erotica or historical romance. She is also open to psychological thrillers, mysteries, friendship stories, strong power-women stories, or laugh-out-loud stories. Jemiscoe loves literary fiction with beautiful prose and a strong cast of characters. She would also like to see adult fantasy (except high fantasy).

Specializes In

FICTION: Commercial Fiction, Family Saga, Fantasy, GLBT, Graphic Novels, Middle Grade, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers/Suspense, Upmarket Women's Fiction, Young Adult


FICTION: Chick Lit, Crime, Horror, Humor/Satire, Literary Fiction, Multi-Cultural