A white woman in her thirties wearing a green shirt and a beige sweater, crossing her arms and making eye contact at the camera.




AC Gaughen is the author of the Elementae series (Reign the Earth, Imprison the Sky) and the Scarlet trilogy (Scarlet, Lady Thief, Lion Heart). Dedicated to creating opportunities for young women to take on leadership, she works as a manager of Volunteer Engagement for Girl Scouts of Eastern MA and serves as a board member for Boston GLOW, a nonprofit she helped found in 2010. She holds a Master of Letters in Creative Writing from the University of St Andrews (Scotland) and a Masters in Education (Arts in Education) from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.


Learn more on her website.

SESSION: Hero of Another Story: The Antagonist Who Drives the Story Forward

The best stories have antagonists who, in another book, would be the heroes of their own story. While your main character should be the only one to whom the story can happen, a multi-faceted person blocking your protagonist from their goals drives the plot forward and creates compelling, gripping fiction. Through exercises and discussion, this workshop will help you get to know your antagonist, how they oppose your protagonist, and how to be as invested in them as you are in your main character.